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Infinite Canaan: The Corporate Space Race in Colonial Perspective

Pugh Hall, Ocora

As the era of “NewSpace” takes hold, corporations and private capital are increasingly involved in space science, exploration, and conquest. Billionaires promise infinite wealth and even eternal life on extraterrestrial colonies while trashing the earth they seek to escape. This lecture explains the escalating NewSpace race as a mythological project. Grounded in God’s gift of the Promised

Islam in Africa Working Group 2023 Symposium: New Actors in Muslim Africa

404 Grinter Hall P.O. Box 115500, Gainesville

This is the annual symposium of the Islam in Africa Working Group at the University of Florida. Multiple scholars from UF and other institutions will present their research on the theme “New Actors in Muslim Africa.” Lunch will be served on Saturday, April 15. All are welcome to join us in person at 404 Grinter Hall.