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Policy for Cross-Listing Courses

This policy specifies the procedures and requirements for classes that will be taught by instructors from other units to be cross-listed with Religion with a REL or RLG prefix.

Requests to cross-list a course with Religion should be directed by the Chair, Director, or a Coordinator in the instructor’s unit to the Department of Religion Chair. All such requests must be received by the Religion Chair no later than four (4) weeks in advance of the Phase II Course Scheduling deadline, as specified by the Registrar in the Course Development Calendar for the relevant semester. All requests must be accompanied by a prospective syllabus that conforms to all requirements of the UF syllabus policy.

Requests for cross-listing will be reviewed by the members of the Department of Religion’s Undergraduate Committee (or Graduate Committee, in cases with graduate courses). In reviewing requests, they will consider such factors as whether the course content or the proposed course is sufficiently within the bounds of the field of Religion to make it appropriate for cross-listing, whether the course as a whole is sufficiently well-conceived, whether its assignments and assessments are appropriately rigorous, and whether the course complements the department’s existing course offerings. The committee will also consider whether the instructor has the appropriate professional qualifications, expertise, and experience to teach a course in religion at the same level as the department’s permanent faculty. Since any undergraduate course with a REL prefix may be taken as an elective by students pursuing a Religion major or minor, the course content and rigor of instruction of any course cross-listed with this prefix must be comparable to that of other courses taught by instructors within the Department of Religion.

No more than half the total number of seats in a course taught by an instructor from outside the Department of Religion can be offered in the section(s) cross-listed within Religion. (Thus, for example, in a course with 40 total seats, no more than 20 seats can be offered in the cross- listed section.)