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UF religion goes west — Gators at AAR/SBL 2016 in San Antonio, TX

ufaarThe American Academy of Religion brings thousands of professors and students, authors and publishers, religious leaders and interested laypersons to its Annual Meeting each year. Co-hosted with the Society of Biblical Literature, the Annual Meetings are the largest events of the year in the fields of religious studies and theology. Some 10,000 people attended the 2015 Annual Meetings, enjoying access to more than 1100 academic sessions and additional meetings.

This year, 17 faculty, current graduate students, and former PhD graduates will be representing UF Religion at the event. From presiding over panels to presenting on topics as diverse as Islamic studies to textual interpretation in India and Christian environmental ethics, UF religion is well represented at this year’s AAR/SBL Annual Meetings.

HERE is a full list of their presentations and panels with information about when, where, and what events they will be participating in so that you can enjoy their scholarly work if you’re in attendance!