The Department of Religion is happy to announce – and welcome – our new addition to its faculty: Prof. Yaniv Feller. Prof. Feller is a scholar of modern Jewish thought and museum studies. His first book, The Jewish Imperial Imagination: Leo Baeck and German-Jewish Thought was supported by an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship and is under contract with Cambridge University Press. He is a co-editor of The Challenge of Covenantal Thinking: Essays on the Philosophy and Theology of David Novak (under contract with the University of Toronto press) and author of articles that have appeared or are forthcoming in journals such as Comparative Studies in Society and History, Jewish Studies Quarterly, and New German Critique. Prof. Yaniv comes to the University of Florida from Wesleyan University, where he was appointed in 2017 as the Jeremy Zwelling Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies. In the years 2015—2017, Yaniv worked as a curator of Jewish religion in the new permanent exhibition of the Jewish Museum Berlin, which opened in August 2020.