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New Graduate Scholarships Database Available

Need money for graduate school? As Lauren Ford from the Financial Aid and Education Team at said, “Finances are such a huge factor for any student when it comes to weighing their educational opportunities, and we are hopeful that this tool will help connect students with more opportunities to continue their studies at the graduate level.”

A new place to look for information on Financial Aid for your next step in education is at The Financial Aid and Education team there have just created a searchable, free, and frequently updated database of 2,500+ scholarships for students. These scholarships range in their applicability, but some apply directly to the field of religious studies, history, journalism, and other related fields. 

You can tailor your search for your field of study and also look for master’s, doctoral, and other postgraduate scholarships.

In addition, they also offer a comprehensive guide to financial aid, which consists of a four-part guide to paying for graduate school that covers the importance of accreditation for obtaining financial aid, convincing employers to pay for grad school, and notable federal and private financial aid programs.